El Juicio

El Juicio

The Trial

Ulises De La Orden

1985, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The trial of the Military Juntas of the last dictatorship (1976/83), accused of crimes against humanity. As in Nuremberg after World War II, the trial is entirely recorded in U-matic tapes. For 90 days, the testimonies of the horror were heard and a final sentence: Never Again. The defenders and the political and ideological positions of those who supported the dictatorship. In the voice of the victims, the stories of torture and pain. Life and death in the same room. An archive of the past and a film that raises a starting point.


«There is a variety of images. The material has the classic U-matic texture, the format is 4:3, and the colors are typical of the era. The archive is mostly in very good condition but, out of a total of 530 hours of recording, drops, stains and tape deterioration are noticeable. Imperfections were used to support the narrative, such as a cut at the beginning or end of a scene; the image quality was then worked on in editing.» – Ulises De La Orden



Italy, Argentina, France, Norway







Origin of archival materials

Archivial video documents; video U-matic


Ulises De La Orden


Alberto Ponce


Ulises de la Orden - Polo Sur Cine; Alessandro Borrelli - La Sarraz Picture; Richard Copans - Les films d'ici; Dag Hoel - Dag Hoel Filmproduksjon


Gerardo Kalmar

Director’s biography

Ulises De La Orden was born in Buenos Aires on 14/10/1970. He graduated in film directing from the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. From 2006 to 2022 he taught Directing at ENERC, the Film School of INCAA. His academic studies were enriched by extensive experience in the film industry, where he has worked since 1992 participating in productions in Argentina, Chile, Hungary and England. Since 1998 he has devoted himself to his personal projects as an author, producer and director. He has directed seven documentaries with social themes such as environment, indigenous peoples of South America, collective labor and self-determination, gender and human rights.