On the agenda
Sat 22.10.202211:00–12:30
Piazzetta P. P. Pasolini 5/b
Other films in competition
Animal Macula plunges us into the heart of a sprawling and winding network where animals transform as they move from one sequence to another, all drawn from 125 years of cinema.
50-year-old Lilia talks about her mental trauma due to her parents’ constant quarrels during childhood, while her mother justifies her lack of love with the rigid frames of a totalitarian society.
A visual and sound fresco exploring American stories from the 20th century, compiled entirely from archive footage from the American Prelinger collection.
A journey by sea and overland is punctuated by alternating rhyming verses. These are poems by Fadil Hasin Ash-Shalmani that add to a little documented historical fact: the deportation of numerous civilians in the early years of the Italian occupation of Libya.